• AACPS Blueprint Work by Pillar

High Quality and Diverse Teachers and Leaders

  • Realizing that high-quality teachers that reflect the diversity of the public school student population are key to our student success, the Blueprint for Maryland's Future seeks to elevate the teaching profession.  The Blueprint specifically requires the implementation of a career ladder which includes raising starting pay to $60,000, while also increasing the rigor and depth of teacher preparation programs in an effort to attract and retain the highest performing teachers.


    Blueprint Requirements

    • Improve teacher compensation to be in alignment with other professions with similar education requirements, which includes an initial 10% salary increase by FY24 and a minimum starting salary of $60,000 by FY27
    • Increase teacher rigor and preparation programs to cultivate high-quality educators to meet Blueprint standards
    • Create a career ladder framework that encourages teachers to pursue National Board Certification, allows for salary increases when acquiring specified knowledge and skills, and incentivizes them to stay in the classroom
    • Increasing the salary of Nationally Board Certified teachers actively teaching by $10,000 including an additional $7,000 for teachers in or moving to low performing schools
    • Recruit and hire a diverse workforce
  • Current AACPS Accomplishments


    • Recruitment staff and school personnel participate in recruitment events at local and out-of-state colleges and universities, including Historically Black Colleges & Universities (HBCUs)
    • Expanding our Resident Teacher Certification Program to include elementary and early childhood teachers
    • Workforce Monitoring Team provides professional development sessions for school leaders to mitigate implicit bias during the interview process
    • Expanding on local "Grow Your Own" and Teacher Academy programs
    • Developing new Career Ladder to meet Blueprint requirements
    • 11th largest number of NBC teachers in the country.  We are continuing to support the growth and development of our teachers to become nationally board certified in accordance with Blueprint requirements
    • Increased starting teachers' salary to $58,161.00 for the 2023-2024 school year
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