School Crisis and Emergency Management Plans

  • AACPS has a Crisis and Emergency Management Plan in place that provides basic guidelines and procedures to be followed in the event of an emergency or crisis incident. All school staff are familiar with the plan and their individual responsibilities in the event of an emergency.

    What To Do In The Event Of An Emergency Affecting Our Schools


    • Teachers and staff have been trained to handle emergencies affecting your school.
    • Be familiar with the emergency procedure system developed for the school system.
    • Be calm and alert.
    • Proceed as directed by teacher and staff in your school during an emergency.
    • If you are evacuated to a location away from your school, you will be reunited with your parents as soon as practical.


    • Students, teachers and staff have been trained to handle emergencies that affect their school.
    • Do not attempt to access your student at the school during an emergency.
    • Be mindful that normal school activities, such as dismissal, visitor access to the building, etc., will be impacted by security-related events.
    • Monitor the local media regarding the emergency as you will receive information regarding when and where you will be reunited with your student. Keep in mind that you and your student may be reunited at a location other than your school.


    • Be familiar with the emergency procedure system developed for the school system in order to respond appropriately.
    • Be familiar with the School Crisis and Emergency Management Plan developed specifically for your school and review it regularly.
    • Follow the instructions of your school’s Administration and the first responders that may be operating within and around your school.


    • Personnel working at schools have been trained to respond appropriately in the event of an emergency
    • Monitor the local media to keep abreast not only of the emergency but how the school system is responding to it.
    • Consider your ability to assist in the recovery phase of the incident if community support is requested.