K-2 Literacy Blocks

K-2 Literacy Blocks

K-2 Literacy

  •  AACPS provides students literacy instruction aligned with the science of reading using Amplify Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA). CKLA is built on the science of how kids learn to read. Every day in grades K–2, students complete one full lesson that builds foundational reading skills, as well as one full lesson that builds background knowledge.



    Through complex read-alouds with an emphasis on classroom interactivity, oral
    comprehension, and contextual vocabulary, students start to build their awareness of the
    world around them—and the way the reading skills they’re building give them access to it.



    Starting with sounds, students practice their phonemic awareness, handwriting
    skills, vocabulary, spelling, and grammar. Through daily practice, students become
    aware of the connection between reading and writing, building confidence as they go.