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Cape St. Claire
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931 Blue Ridge Drive
Annapolis, MD 21409
(410) 222-1685
(410) 222-1687 (fax)Tamara Kelly-Molock
tkelly-molock@aacps.orgRochelle Barrett
Assistant Principal
Hours: 8:00 AM - 2:25 PMGrades Served: Pre-K through 5th
Quick Links
AACPS Facebook
Multiple LanguagesSexual Harassment/ Child Abuse Training Video
Online School Payments
Pay online for school items, fees, and activities with Visa or MastercardParents Guide to Bias Behavior
About Our School
Home of the Seagulls Soaring to Success!
Beginning Wednesday, June 26 2024, and ending on Tuesday, August 6, 2024, our school office and Anne Arundel County Public Schools central office will be operating on a four-day work week schedule.
Our school office will be open Monday through Thursday from 7:30 am to 3:00 pm
School Hours
8:00 am - 2:25 pm
7:45 am - doors open
early dismissal cut off time: 2:00 pm
School Year Office Hours are 7:15 - 3:00
Emergency Card Verification / Update *needs to be verified each year
Apply for Free/Reduced Price Meals Here *a new application must be turned in each year
Enrollment Information
Anne Arundel County Public Schools is using a remote process to enroll students for grades PreK-12.
The following documents are required for enrollment:
- Child’s documents –
- Birth Certificate
- Immunization Record
- Recent Report Card or Transcript
- Parent’s documents –
- Government-issued photo ID
- Primary proof of residency: mortgage, deed, or lease
- Secondary proof of residency: utility bill, bank statement, or paystub in the last 60 days
- Custody Order (if applicable)
Hint: Be sure to have your documents saved and ready, in PDF or JPEG format, before you enter the portal because the system cannot accept incomplete registrations and you’ll have to re-enter all data fields.
Please follow the link to our online enrollment portal where you’ll complete forms electronically and upload your documents:
- Child’s documents –
Monday, August 26, 2024
First day of school for students in grades 1-5
2024-2025 school year Cape St. Claire Elementary Volunteer Orientation video will be posted soon
Attendance / Early Dismissal Note Form
Utilizing the web-based Parent Portal application or mobile app, Parent(s)/Guardian(s) will have the opportunity to submit an absence note or early dismissal request online via the Parent Portal. Use the link for instructions.
Attendance / Early Dismissal Note Form English
AACPS - Solicitud de Ausencia o Salida Temprana Portal de Padres
The 2024-2025 School Bus Schedule will be posted soon
Security Cameras
Cape St. Claire Elementary School is equipped with a video camera system. It covers selected interior and exterior public portions of the building and grounds. It is NOT monitored constantly, but it is monitored during emergency situations. During certain events, when the safety or security of students may be in question, authorized personnel from local, state, or federal police or fire emergency units may be given access to view images projected on the camera system. If you have any questions about the system, you should call the Supervisor of School Security at 410-222-5083.