• What time does school start?

    Doors open at 7:45 AM. Outside duty staff return inside at 8:00 AM and morning announcements begin. Students need to be in the building, unpacked, and ready to go for instruction at 8:00 AM.

    Students are tardy after 8:00 AM and will need to report to the office.

    What should we do if my child is absent?

    Please submit a written or electronic note when your child(ren) returns to school from being absent. An electronic Absent/Early Dismissal Form is located on Parent Portal. If your child is absent for more than 5 days, a doctor’s note must be submitted. Students who are absent 10 days or more in a school year are considered excessively absent by the Maryland State Department of Education.

    How do I let Cape St. Claire know if I’m making changes to normal dismissal procedures?

    If your child is being picked up by you or if you want them to go home on their regularly scheduled bus, you can send in a written note with your child in the morning. The office is a very busy place at dismissal, so to avoid any confusion we will not be calling down to the classrooms for early dismissal pick up after 2:00 PM. Please avoid sending emails or calling at the end of the day to avoid any miscommunication.

    We encourage students to ride the bus daily as this is the quickest and safest way for us to dismiss all students.

    If you are sending someone to pick up your child, you must send a written note to the teacher in the morning, listing the person’s name.

    How do we celebrate birthdays at Cape St. Claire?

    Birthdays will be celebrated at school by a morning announcement and an invitation to visit the Media Center for a birthday pencil. Food items such as birthday treats will not be permitted to be shared in school. You may send goodie-bag type items such as pencils or stickers.

    What is needed to volunteer at school or chaperone on a field trip?

    Volunteers and field trip chaperones are selected by the teacher. All volunteers are required to go through a background check and Cape St. Claire Volunteer Orientation. Some volunteers will be required to have a fingerprint supported background check through AACPS (coaches, mentors, drownproofing, Chessie volunteers and any volunteer that will be alone with a student). The fingerprint supported background check must be done through the Anne Arundel County Board of Education. Background checks can take up to 3 weeks to complete for approval. Background investigation information can be found here: Background Investigations. Parents not selected as an approved chaperone for a field trip are not allowed to meet the class at the field trip site.

    Can siblings accompany me when I volunteer?

    Teachers will often ask for parent volunteers. However, we ask that you not bring other children.



    Student Handbook 2022-2023

    Student Handbook 2022-2023 (Spanish)


    Student Handbook Sign Off: Student / Parent Portal Directions (English)

    Parent Handbook Sign Off: Student  / Parent Portal Directions (Spanish)



    Join the Cape St. Claire PTO!!

    Yearly dues are $5.00 per family, and all funds go back into your child's school.

    Meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 6:30 p.m. in the Media Center or virtually, with the exception of meetings not being held in January or June. 
