




    Students who have never attended a AACPS school must be registered by their custodial parent (biological, adoptive, legal guardian).

    New Kindergarten Students: Children must be 5 years old by September 1st in order to enroll in kindergarten. Every child who is 5 years old by September 1st must be enrolled in kindergarten this fall.

    When registering a child for kindergarten, parents must upload the following:

    I. Child’s original birth certificate or birth record

    II. Medical Records (3)

    1.Copy of child’s immunization record

    2.Lead certificate (for students entering K or first grade)

    3.Record of Physical Examination for students entering a Maryland public school for the first time. (within 9 months prior to entering or 6 months after entry)

    4. If Medication is needed during the school day: Parent's request to administer medication at school needs to be completed for over the counter or prescription medications. Parent and Physician complete the FORM and bring to health room with medication. E-mail if any questions

    III. Two proofs of residency (rental agr eement/lease/mortgage and a current utility bill)

    1. A current monthly rental agreement/lease/mortgage statement from their lender

    2. A current utility bill which must include both the top and the bottom (tear off) portion of the bill or a bank statement showing parent name and address.

    If you have any further questions, please contact


    For current AACPS students moving between schools within the (AACPS) system, you will need to contact both your child's current school and new school.  Send an email to the current school's Registrar to notify the school of your child's withdrawal.  Include the effective date and the name of the new school.  The current school will provide a transfer packet to be sent to the new school.  However, you will still need to fully register your child at the new school by following the online registration process, per the above link.  Email or call your child's new school, as well, to alert them to your child's enrollment.