• Regular Lunch Schedule:                         

    10:20-10:50 Kindergarten                           

    10:50-11:20 First Grade/Pre-K                              

    11:50-12:20 Second Grade                             

    12:20-12:50 Third Grade                                           

    11:20-11:50 Fourth Grade                             

    12:50-1:20 Fifth Grade 


    2-Hour Early Dismissal Lunch Schedule:  

        9:20-9:50 Kindergarten

    9:50-10:20 First Grade/Pre-K

    10:20-10:50 Second Grade

    10:50-11:20 Third Grade

    11:20-11:50 Fourth Grade

    11:50-12:20 Fifth Grade      


    School Meal Prices

    SY 2023-2024



                Breakfast, (Full Price, All Schools)                                        $1.50

                Breakfast, (Reduced Price, All Schools)                                $ .00


                Lunch, (Full Price, Secondary Schools)                                 $3.00

                Lunch, (Full Price, Elementary Schools)                               $2.75

                Lunch, (Reduced-Price, All Schools)                                     $ .00  


    Meal Benefit Applications are available for SY 2023-2024!  Log onto www.aacps.org/mealapplication  

    It's About More Than Lunch

    If you have any questions regarding the school meals program, please email jrisse@aacps.org or

                call 410-222-5900.



    click on our Blackboard link on our homepage to view grade specific items

    User name:  Jacobsville

    Password:    jaguar 


    JES Food & Birthday School Policy 

    Our school policy is for parents to drop off store-bought cupcakes for a child's birthday, if they wish, or individually packaged healthy snacks such as pretzels, goldfish crackers, carrot sticks, apple slices, etc.  No products containing peanuts or nuts should be sent. NO pizza, flowers, or balloons should be delivered to school as this is disruptive to learning. We do not have class birthday parties in classrooms or in the cafe and we cannot provide class lists for legal reasons. Parents are asked not to send birthday party invitations to school to be distributed during school time. This creates uncomfortable feelings for some students who are not invited. In addition, no homemade foods should be brought to school for sharing with others for any reason due to potential allergies or parent preferences.  Thank you for your cooperation. 


    Classroom Parties

    Due to the need for volunteers to focus on the students in the classroom as well as the lack of space, we cannot accommodate siblings at classroom parties.  Additionally, only parents who are on a teacher's designated list for a party are able to go down to the classroom.  Siblings that do not attend Jacobsville may, however, accompany you to have lunch with your child during their  lunch period but we cannot take a student out of an instructional period to do so.


    Please respect our neighbors!  NO PARKING at Magothy United Methodist Church

    The Magothy United Methodist Church officials are no longer allowing Jacobsville staff or families to park in their parking lot at any time, for any reason.  Please be respectful of their request.       


    Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

    Car Rider Arrival and Dismissal Procedures


    Parent Portal Updates:

    Families, PowerSchool Parent Portal now has more functionality to email updates about your students’ attendance and grades. To update your notifications in your account, please follow the instructions below.


    1. Using a web browser, log into the Parent Portal. This process cannot be done through the mobile app.
    2. In the left margin under Navigation, click on Email Notification.
    3. Choose the reports that you would like to receive by email.
    4. Choose the frequency you would like to receive these reports (Daily, Weekly, Every 2 weeks, or Monthly).
    5. You can apply this for all students on your Parent Portal account or just one.
    6. Click Submit.


    Please note this process could take up to two weeks to finalize before emails begin coming from PowerSchool Parent Portal.