The Lake Shore Elementary School PTA is an organization of parents, teachers and staff working for our children. Through cooperative efforts, this PTA, in concert with all other PTAs throughout the country, is attempting to improve the welfare of children in their home, the school, and the community, as well as a vehicle for communication between the school and home.
All parents are strongly encouraged to attend and support all PTA activities throughout the year. We urge you to join the PTA ($20.00 per family membership), and to contribute your talents, skills, experiences and knowledge to the various activities of the association.
The PTA is an advocate for all students!
PTA OFFICERS:President Shannon Shannon LakeShorePTAP@gmail.com
Vice-President Samantha Gunther LakeShorePTAVP@gmail.com
Secretary Marie Griffiths LakeShorePTAS@gmail.com
Treasurer Shannon Bettleyon LakeShorePTAT@gmail.com