    student Enrollment
    Race/Ethnicity (%)
    African American....................... 19.8
    Hawaii/Pac. Islander.......................... -
    White.............................. 57.6
    Multiracial...................... 5.8
    Hispanic......................... 9.2
    American Indian/AK....................... -
    Asian.............................. 7
    GENDER (%)
    Male................................ 53.2Ā 
    Female........................... 46.8
    Special Services** (%)
    FARMS........................... 11.9
    504.................................. 5.9
    Special Ed..................... 6.3
    LEP................................. 1.3
    Title 1............................. No

    Ā **Special Services Terms Glossary

    School Renovation Details - 1998, 2015 A total of eighteen classrooms have been added to the
    original building. Six classrooms were added in 1998 and anthother twelve classrooms were added in 2015.

Crofton Middle School

Key Challenges to Student Success

  • The students who attend Crofton Middle School are influenced daily by events, situations, and circumstances that occur at home and in their neighborhood.  While there are numerous factors that contribute to student achievement at Crofton Middle, the school leadership team has narrowed its focus to the following challenges to student success, with the acknowledgement that this is not an all-inclusive list and that some students may be affected by other opportunities or issues in their young lives. 

    This school's key challenges to student success are also noted in the boxes shown below.

  • Traditional MSDE and/or school-based student challenges

    Key Challenge #1:  PARCC/MCAP Scores for Math and Language Arts

    As with all schools, Crofton Middle School is challenged to increase our success on standardized tests. Our records show that we are generally in fifth place within the county (among middle schools) for our performance on the PARCC/MCAP.  We feel that GROWTH is the significant factor for our students, and our Math and Language Arts goals on our School Improvement Plan (SIP) focus on student growth in these areas.  Our goal for each grade level is to increase the percentage of students meeting and exceeding grade level expectations and scoring at Performance Level Descriptors (PLDs) 4 and 5  by 5%; and, as a result, decrease the number and percentage of students in PLD 1, 2 and 3 for both Math and Language Arts.  

    Visitors to our collaborative planning sessions will see emphasis placed on discerning the specific skills and identifying students who are not meeting standards.  Data from quarterly assessments as well as county developed unit tests will assist teachers in doing this. Visits to classrooms will reveal increased use of total student engagement strategies, as this is emphasized in school-wide professional development.  

  • Non-Traditional Socio-Economic Challenges

     Key Challenge #2: Culture and Climate

     The climate survey data from the years 2016, 2017, and 2018 indicates the following: 

    • The percentage of students saying that harassment/bullying is somewhat a problem or is a large problem has increased from 40% in 2016 to 60% in 2018. 
    • The percentage of students saying that they agree or strongly agree that their teachers care about them has decreased from 90% in 2016 to 79% in 2018. 

    This data is not moving in a desirable direction.  One of the goals on our School Improvement Plan (SIP) is to increase the number of students who report that CMS is aā€‹ welcoming place to live and learn. 

    Crofton Middle School has experienced a rapid increase in enrollment  As a result, our Administration and staff are addressing ways to promote diversity and inclusion among our students. Extensions and refinements to our Advisory Period have been made to address these concerns, and our Advisory groups have been reduced in size.  All teachers are trained in Community Building Circles, which is part of the Advisory Program.  Both Community Building Circles and Advisory Lessons are geared to enhance connection and understanding of each other.  Restorative Practices are also heavily utilized by trained counselors and administrators when working through conflicts.    


    None at this time.

  • View the Strategic Indicators & Vision for Crofton Middle School