- Anne Arundel County Public Schools
- Course Progression and Requirements
High School World Language Graduation Requirements
Students who are college-ready must take two credits of the same World Language. Students may elect to take two credits of a World Language rather than two credits of an advanced technology or a career completer program. A student with the required math courses and two credits of a World Languages meets one of the criteria for qualifying for the University System of Maryland completer. It is recommended that students who elect the World Languages option to continue in the program beyond the second level. Some specialized programs, as well as many colleges and universities require additional credits in World Languages. Check with your school counselor for next steps.
Please see the Program of Study for World Language Graduation Requirements and available courses: Program of Study
High School Magnet Application Requirements
All 8th grade applicants must be currently enrolled in a level 1 or 1B World Language course or have earned 1 credit of a World Language.