Brooklyn Park Middle School - AEMI, Green, PVA, Get SmArt, and AVID school


  • Hours: 9:15 AM - 3:55 PM
    Grades Served:   6th-8th

About Our School

  • Welcome BPMS Students and Families!

    Brooklyn Park Middle School is a state-of-the-art middle school offering our students the very best in public education. Opened in August 2000 in the former Brooklyn Park Senior High School building, Brooklyn Park Middle School has preserved its treasured past and re-established itself in the community. It showcases the history of its former self while offering a building that holds all the promise for the future.

    The students are welcomed each day to a building that is inviting, stimulating and academically challenging. Our entire staff is dedicated to making each student the best they can be and ready to meet the demands of our changing world. We have a philosophy of Kids At Hope, in which we believe all children are capable of success NO EXCEPTIONS!

    I am proud to be associated with such energetic and caring people.

    We hope that you spend some time visiting the additional pages on our site. After your virtual tour and a visit to our Mission and Vision pages, I am sure that you will find that BPMS is a place where No Child Left Behind has always been the cornerstone of our beliefs and actions.
    Thanks for visiting us and feel free to contact us at 410-636-2967  if we can be of any assistance to you.
