Brock Bridge Elementary School - Triple E School

Contact Us

  • Hours: 8:00 AM - 2:25 PM
    Grades Served:   PK-5th
  • Anne Arundel County Public Schools - Community Schools logo


  • A.M. (7:45-8:00) >>

    • If you arrive before 7:45, staff will not be on duty to assist you. Please pull up to the cones at in the parking area until a staff member is present. Staff members are on duty to help students in the parking lot and move cars through the line.
    • Please do not get out of your car in the line. If you would like to get out and walk in with your student, please park in a space.  It is a safety hazard to cross between cars. If you choose to park and walk, please park on the right side of the guest lot. 
    • Drivers do not need to help the students out of the car when an adult is on duty. Please stay in your car.
    • Please keep to the right side for arrival and do not try to pass in the left lane.
    • Students arriving after 8:00 must sign in at the office. Adults must park and sign their children in with a staff member from the front office.

  • P.M. (Dismissal begins at 2:25 p.m.) >>

    • Please be considerate of guests leaving the building before 2:25 – we want visitors to be able to leave before dismissal starts.
    • Display your car tag so that staff can quickly put students in cars. If you do not have one, please let the office or your student's teacher know.
    • Pull all the way up so that we can minimize the line of cars on Brock Bridge Road.
    • DO NOT PULL AROUND cars in the lot unless a staff member has directed you to do so. We have a number of staff members trying to get students to cars safely – we are moving in between cars with students – it is a safety risk to have drivers pulling around without direction.
    • Students should not approach cars until the cars have pulled up and are stopped. Please remind your student that even if he/she sees you, they must wait until the car has stopped to approach.
    • We ask that all visitors treat staff members and other visitors with respect. Please refrain from using your horn, and use kind language to communicate with others.