Central Middle STEM

  • Central Middle School's STEM program allows students to take a deep dive into subjects that include Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math.  Our STEM students use real world experiences to understand how STEM is an interactive system that helps to solve real world problems.  Radical curiosity is nurtured along with values that include empathy and integrity as students use critical thinking skills in a collaborative student-centered environment.

  • SY 2020-2021: May, June, July, August 2021

    July-August 2021

    Thank you South River High School Femgineers for sharing information about girls in engineering with our interested Middle School students!

    May-June 2021

    Congratulations to Arnav Bali, STEM 7 student at Central Middle School, for his 1st place video entry in the International Contest - Managing E Waste - World of 7 Billion Re-Imagining Industrial Systems. 
    Managing E-Waste Video by Arnav Bali

  • SY 2020-2021: January, February, March, April 2021

    April 2021

    STEM 8 Student Changemakers make a positive impact on the school community and beyond!  We celebrate the Changemaker Projects of Excellence and their STEM Middle School Journey!

    Changemakers of Excellence-

    • Budget Buddies
    • Out of this World Yoga
    • COVID Connections
    • Boat Busters BMP
    • Technology & the Body
    • Plastic Planet
    • Save the Rockets
    • COVID Garden
    • Middle School Internet Safety Patrol

    We are very proud of all of our STEM 8 students and the Changemakers that they have become! 


    March 2021

    We are very  Happy Spring!  STEM students have been busy working on Virtual STEM Saturdays this year!  From cooking with Science and STEM Values to making Friendship Soup to building a Tin Can Robot.

    Girl opens a pot of soup in her kitchen with spring flowers around her counter.    soda can robot with big googly eyes and blue straws for arms is on a wheel platform on a table.

    February 2021

    Central Middle STEM Students Celebrate Black History Month- Check out some STEM 7 student projects:

    Alma Hayden - You Could Be the One by McKenna Barnes

    NASA emblem with picture of Mary Jackson and information about how Mary Jackson inspired many black youth to study science.    Picture of Emmet Chappelle and information about his contribution to science and bioluminescence.

    January 2021

    Central Middle School STEM 8 Changemakers - COVID Connections -Writing letters to patients and health care workers affected by COVID creates a ripple effect for local community students to get involved. Morgan Bortz, member of COVID Connections, shows his table filled with his Changemaker group's created cards that went on to inspire his neighborhood to join in.

    Student standing with two thumbs up in front of a table filled with colorful cards for healthcare workers and patients of COV

  • SY 2020-2021: September, October, November, December 2020

    December 2020

    Mission 14 winning project, “How Does Microgravity Affect the Germination of Thyme?” was developed by STEM 8 students from Central Middle School, Abigail Ippolito, Ella Lovelace, Mary-Cate Parks, and Natalie Wolf under the direction of their science teacher, Margaret Sieber.  This experiment launches on December 5th to the International Space Station!  Link to Space X Launch

    Four students in orange STEM shirts stand at a table with science materials preparing an experiment.

    November 2020

    Congratulations Central Middle School Student Leaders in Math on participation in the American Mathematics Competition 8!

    STEM 6 Saturday with Hands on Electronics for Youth SpiderBot Gears and Motors STEM Workshop.

    Screen display grid of 25 students showing their blue spider bots to the camera.

    October 2020

    STEM students are on their way with STEM Saturday fun, virtual classroom projects, and exciting guest speakers!

    STEM 8 Mission 14 Club preparing experiment for ISS by viewing ISS Expedition 63 In-Flight Education Event with ISS Commander     Boy sits at kitchen table showing the bread he baked with three bread loaves in the picture.

     Empathy and Mindfulness STEM Student Project

    September 2020

    STEM 7 Students design a backyard State Park in the "Create Your Own State Park Challenge" from the Maryland Department of Natural Resources!

    STEM student girl holds a certificate of achievement next to her state park sign that she created in her back yard.


  • SY 2019-2020: May, June, July August 2020

    August 2020

    STEM Students showcase STEM Summer Camp fun with a student-coded Arcade game!

    Acracade game picture of a pixel pizza ad student created game controller.

    July 2020

    STEM students prepare for Virtual STEM Summer Camps with a little help from school administrators who are modeling in the picture the Debug the Virus STEM Strong shirts STEM students received for their hard work during the 2020 virtual learning platform.

    June 2020

    Congratulations to our STEM 8 Class of 2020 on their Changemaker STEM Middle School journey!

     Students work with water stewards at St. Luke's to replant trees.

    May 2020

    Central STEM students participate in Virtual Field Experiences and Connect to STEM Careers through Discovery Education Discovery Education Virtual Changemakers 

  • SY 2019-2020: January, February, March, April 2020

    April 2020

    STEM 6 Student Celebrates Earth Day 2020  - Video: Earth Day & Tinker Time

    March 2020

    Two Central Middle STEM students earned Second Place in the Vehicle Performance category in this year's SeaGlide Challenge.  For this event, Sean Win and David Quintal had to build an autonomous underwater robot and then program it using Arduino.  These STEM students were the only middle school team to participate, along with 9 high school teams.  Congratulations goes out to these two students and to their advisor and coach, Mr. Rob King!  To learn more about the SeaGlide Challenge, please visit http://www.phillynavalstem.com.   

    Two boys in orange shirts holding second place SeaGlide trophy.   Two boys and a man standing together in an indoor football field.   The back of two boys in orange shirts sitting beside a pool with nets forming a path in the water.

    February 2020


    Central Middle School students celebrate "Girls in Engineering" at Collins Aerospace in Annapolis, MD.

    Twelve girls pose for a picture at Collins Aerospace to celebrate Girls in Engineering Day.

    January 2020

    Central Middle School STEM 6 student, Arnav Bali, won first place in the Martin Luther King Jr. Visionary Kids Contest for Outstanding Video in Artistic Expression.

    STEM 6 student holds award on a stage with Martin Luther King Poster in the background for his winning video.
