- Anne Arundel County Public Schools
- Hilltop Elementary School
DEMOGRAPHICS YEAR SCHOOL OPENED 1970 ATTENDANCE RATE (%) 94.0 student Enrollment 708 Race/Ethnicity (%) African American....................... 34.5 Hawaii/Pac. Islander.......................... - White.............................. 29.6 Multiracial...................... 7.3 Hispanic......................... 25 American Indian/AK....................... - Asian.............................. 3.3 GENDER (%) Male................................ 47.9 Female........................... 52.1 Special Services** (%) FARMS........................... 78.2 504.................................. 2 Special Ed..................... 10.3 LEP................................. 17.3 Title 1............................. Yes
Hilltop Elementary School
When each school began to plan their important work based on AACPS’s 2018-2023 Strategic Plan during the spring of 2018, school teams reflected on their school culture, their community, and the key factors contributing to student achievement. Each school was then asked to consider which Strategic Plan Indicators would have the greatest positive impact for their students. School leadership teams selected indicators and developed plans to focus and guide their efforts. Please come with us on our journey as we describe why, what, and how we do our work to serve our students and families of our school.
Hilltop Elementary's School Story
With over 750 students in Pre-K through 5th grade and growing, Hilltop Elementary School is the largest Title I elementary school in the Anne Arundel County Public School system. Located in Glen Burnie, Hilltop is a school community where we are all better together. We focus on growing the whole child and we inspire a life-long love of learning. We also work to ensure that every day is a great day for all!
From the time students arrive, they are welcomed by smiling staff and start the day in their classroom with breakfast and a community-building circle. Within each class, students and teachers develop positive, lasting relationships with one another and create their own team unit. As the school day progresses, students engage in a variety of activities centered around reading, writing and math. Our students have opportunities for productive struggle and problem-solving across these disciplines, and our teachers provide support to elevate all students to the grade-level standard. Our students also have opportunities to develop their social and emotional toolbox throughout the school day. With focused lessons from our Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) curriculum, our students practice making responsible decisions and solving problems collaboratively. Students and teachers end each day reflecting on the lessons learned.
Hilltop Elementary School participates in the Arts Empowered Minds Initiative (AEMI) program that is utilized to increase access to high-quality arts-integrated learning opportunities for students and teachers. Hilltop participates in smART residencies through Young Audiences that invites artists to create hands on experiences for students. As we work to grow our students we are looking for ways to connect our AEMI initiative with our STEM program to provide a STEAM experience for our students.
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Throughout the school week, students have exciting opportunities to explore their interests as growing artists, musicians, performers, athletes, researchers, scientists and engineers. Every child has a “hook” that draws them into the schoolhouse and helps him/her develop as a unique individual. Every child is motivated by the varying content shared during their Cultural Arts learning blocks, as well as during extra curricular activities and clubs. Our students’ showcase their development through band, strings, chorus and dance performances. Our students also demonstrate and apply their learning through science fairs, art shows or robotics competitions. As both a STEM in Society and Arts Integration school, our staff promotes rigor and relevance by incorporating various technologies, methodologies and hands-on approaches to learning. These approaches further motivate, inspire and engage our students in so many great experiences.
From the launch of the school year with our ice cream social, parents, families and community members are welcomed at Hilltop ES. Our teachers and staff also go out into the community as an extension of our schoolhouse. Across all settings, we encourage parent involvement and work to support our students and families. We recognize that we are better together and that all parents, teachers, staff and community members play a critical role with students’ learning and development. We plan many family events throughout the school year to help families learn more about reading, writing and math strategies. We often give families a variety of resources and materials to use at home. In addition, we use parent teacher conferences as opportunities to discuss a student’s growth and provide individualized feedback and ongoing support. With over 16 different languages spoken by our students and their parents, Hilltop staff ensure that our family events and parent conferences respect and value cultural differences. When our students make big transitions in their lives, such as moving in or out of our community, we support our families by hosting orientation activities to help our new students and new families learn our Hilltop Way.
We look forward to your next visit at Hilltop Elementary School!
Clubs & Co-Curricular Activities Faces of AACPS - Stories of Success
Progress we are making on our strategic plan indicators