    student Enrollment
    Race/Ethnicity (%)
    African American....................... 14.1
    Hawaii/Pac. Islander.......................... -
    White.............................. 52.5
    Multiracial...................... 4.9
    Hispanic......................... 24.0
    American Indian/AK....................... -
    Asian.............................. 4.0
    GENDER (%)
    Male................................ 52.7 
    Female........................... 47.3
    Special Services** (%)
    FARMS........................... 30.3
    504.................................. 3.1
    Special Ed..................... 7.5
    LEP................................. 17.9
    Title 1............................. No

     **Special Services Terms Glossary

    School Renovation Details - 2016 New Construction


Rolling Knolls Elementary School

  • When each school began to plan their important work based on AACPS’s 2018-2023 Strategic Plan during the spring of 2018, school teams reflected on their school culture, their community, and the key factors contributing to student achievement.  Each school was then asked to consider which Strategic Plan Indicators would have the greatest positive impact for their students. School leadership teams selected indicators and developed plans to focus and guide their efforts.  Please come with us on our journey as we describe why, what, and how we do our work to serve our students and families of our school.

Rolling Knolls Elementary's School Story

  • Rolling Knolls Elementary is a state-of-the-art Green school located in Annapolis, Maryland just outside the city limits. Constructed in 2016, our well-secured, energy efficient building encompasses a science lab, a separate gym and cafeteria, 2 acoustically sound music rooms, 2 playgrounds, and over 30 tech-smart classrooms. These classrooms include one-to-one technology for all students.  Also, our media center includes a 40-seat capacity computer lab and houses our school broadcasting studio, as well as, over thousands of children’s books. Our building provides both a Calming room and a Reflection space to support the emotional needs of all our students. Currently, we are developing an outdoor environmental classroom on our school grounds.  

    While in a new building, Rolling Knolls Elementary has been a part of the neighborhood community for over 50 years. The Annapolis community uses our school grounds and building for local programs and athletics throughout the year. Our families come to Rolling Knolls from suburban and city communities within Annapolis. The communities served by Rolling Knolls include: Rolling Knolls, Rolling Hills, Carriage Hills, Epping Forest, Saefern, Woodlore, The Downs, Sherwood Forest, Mansion Woods, General’s Highway, Monticello, Severn Grove Road, Harbour Gates, Sea Breeze, Scotts Crossing, Admirals Reach, Admiral Oaks, Jennifer Road to West Street, Annapolis Ridge, Stone Pointe, Regatta Bay, along Route 450 to South Haven Road, Greenwood Acres, Bon Haven, South Haven, Heritage Harbour, Post Oak Road, Pinewood Road, South Haven, Riva Trace, Riva Terrace, Cape St. John, Riva Commons Apartments, Hearne Apartments, The James, and Towers Apartments.  Rolling Knolls is also home to a Regional program offering additional supports to families outside of our Rolling Knolls community. 

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    Rolling Knolls Elementary educates students from diverse cultural backgrounds. Rolling Knolls Elementary has a diverse population of 435 students.  We continue to see an increase in our percentage of Hispanic and FARMS students. Within the last five years, our Hispanic population has increased to 26%, and our FARMS population has increased to 33%.  Of our student body, 5% are Asian, 13% are African American, 6% are Multi-racial, and 51% are White. Within our school, 12% of our students receive Special Education services, 21% receive ESOL services, and 4% are identified as GT. Despite efforts to recruit diverse staff members that reflect our growing population, the majority of the staff at Rolling Knolls is White.  Of our teaching staff, 97% is White and 3% are Hispanic. Of our administrators 100% are White. Of our custodial staff, 66% are African American and 34% are Hispanic. Of our teaching assistants and secretaries, 20% are African American, 10% are Multi-racial, and 70% are White. We have a full-time social worker and a part-time school psychologist. We have one full-time child therapist provided through Children’s Guild.  We have a Spanish-speaking bilingual facilitator that services the school one half day per week. While PARCC results demonstrated that 60% of students scored a 4 or 5 in mathematics; only 37% of English Language Learners scored a 4 or 5. In English Language Arts, 58% of students score a 4 or 5 while 0% of English Language Learners scored a 4 or 5. In 2nd grade all students should be reading on or above grade level, 57% of students were reading on or above grade level while 19% of English Language Learners demonstrated on or above grade level reading skills on the Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark System.  

    We are fortunate to have a strong and active P.T.O.  The P.T.O. consists of 6 Board Members and 135 families who advocate for the needs of all students and the wellness of Rolling Knolls staff.  Their contributions include: planning and organizing school-community events, communicating weekly with all stakeholders, and volunteering over 2,000 hours to support the academic success of all students.  The P.T.O. also uses their funds to ensure total student participation in school-community events.



    EEE Triple E Theme
    Global Studies

Principal's Annual Summary*

  • This reflection will include a discussion of data and progress related to the Strategic Plan Indicators on which the school has been focused.

    *Due to the nature of assessment data becoming available in late summer/early fall, this information will be posted in October 2019.