- Anne Arundel County Public Schools
- Waugh Chapel Elementary School
DEMOGRAPHICS YEAR SCHOOL OPENED 1967 ATTENDANCE RATE (%) 95.0 student Enrollment 615 Race/Ethnicity (%) African American....................... 20.4 Hawaii/Pac. Islander.......................... - White.............................. 51.0 Multiracial...................... 8.6 Hispanic......................... 11.8 American Indian/AK....................... - Asian.............................. 7.8 GENDER (%) Male................................ 54.7Ā Female........................... 45.3 Special Services** (%) FARMS........................... 19.5 504.................................. 4.9 Special Ed..................... 11.0 LEP................................. 2.6 Title 1............................. No
Waugh Chapel Elementary School
When each school began to plan their important work based on AACPS’s 2018-2023 Strategic Plan during the spring of 2018, school teams reflected on their school culture, their community, and the key factors contributing to student achievement. Each school was then asked to consider which Strategic Plan Indicators would have the greatest positive impact for their students. School leadership teams selected indicators and developed plans to focus and guide their efforts. Please come with us on our journey as we describe why, what, and how we do our work to serve our students and families of our school.
Waugh Chapel Elementary's School Story
Welcome to Waugh Chapel! Located in Odenton, Maryland, Waugh Chapel Elementary is an International Baccalaureate (IB) School with 650 students in Pre-Kindergarten through Fifth grade, and our school community encompasses neighborhoods in Odenton and parts of Gambrills. Waugh Chapel is also the proud host of two Alternate Curriculum Classes, and the site for the Self-Contained special education class for the Arundel Cluster. We are a community school with a strong connection between staff and families, and each one of our students adds to our school culture!
As an International Baccalaureate School, Waugh Chapel Elementary provides instruction through an interdisciplinary lens, and we seek to create units of inquiry that are relevant and rigorous for our students. Each of our subject areas carry themes throughout the day so that connections between subject areas can be made, and eventually action can be taken. Our students are taught to be part of the action cycle, which causes them to reflect on the problems of our world and to take action to solve these problems, either in small or larger ways. Learning to be a part of the action cycle will grow our students into the global citizens that our world needs them to be.
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In addition to being an IB school, Waugh Chapel has also obtained Maryland Green School certification; and we are pursuing the AACPS Wellness Schools of Distinction Award as well. We are truly a diverse school which takes the time to acknowledge our similarities and differences, and uses them to create a beautiful IB learner who will someday be a global citizen.
Waugh Chapel Elementary opened in September 1967, and we recently celebrated our 50th anniversary. A large celebration was held in September 2017, with many of our community members, former teachers and government dignitaries in attendance.
Faces of AACPS - Stories of Success
Strategic Indicators Chosen by Waugh Chapel Elementary School
Progress we are making on our strategic plan indicators
Principal's Annual Summary*
This reflection will include a discussion of data and progress related to the Strategic Plan Indicators on which the school has been focused.
*Due to the nature of assessment data becoming available in late summer/early fall, this information will be posted in October 2019.