- Anne Arundel County Public Schools
- Benfield Elementary School
DEMOGRAPHICS YEAR SCHOOL OPENED 1962 ATTENDANCE RATE (%) 95.0 student Enrollment 437 Race/Ethnicity (%) African American....................... - Hawaii/Pac. Islander.......................... - White.............................. 84.8 Multiracial...................... 6.2 Hispanic......................... 6.2 American Indian/AK....................... - Asian.............................. - GENDER (%) Male................................ 47.2 Female........................... 52.8 Special Services** (%) FARMS........................... 2.5 504.................................. 5.3 Special Ed..................... 6.9 LEP................................. - Title 1............................. No
Benfield Elementary School
When each school began to plan their important work based on AACPS’s 2018-2023 Strategic Plan during the spring of 2018, school teams reflected on their school culture, their community, and the key factors contributing to student achievement. Each school was then asked to consider which Strategic Plan Indicators would have the greatest positive impact for their students. School leadership teams selected indicators and developed plans to focus and guide their efforts. Please come with us on our journey as we describe why, what, and how we do our work to serve our students and families of our school.
Benfield Elementary's School Story
Benfield Elementary School is located in Severna Park, Maryland and originally opened in 1961. Benfield Elementary is located West of Ritchie Highway and serves students from the following communities: Whitney’s Landing, Chartwell, Ben Oaks, Hillendale, Pointfield, Hollywood, Lakeland, Chartwood, Fairwind, and Lake Forest. We are proud of our National Blue Ribbon status, Green School award, Wellness School of Distinction, and most recently our EGATE award. Benfield Elementary School was recently renovated in 2017 to increase the number of classrooms. Our classrooms surround a beautiful courtyard and natural light pours in each room, giving students the opportunity to learn and grow in an environment aesthetically conducive to learning. The outdoor classroom and spaces demonstrate our continued dedication to environmental education.
We currently have 410 students attending Kindergarten – fifth grades with two half day ECI classes. With a strong focus on academics and growing our students, we provide specialized services to meet the needs of all learners. Our special education staff provides services to 8% of our students and our classroom teachers support 30% of our students who are identified for gifted and talented or ALP’s courses.
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We are committed to the academic and social emotional success of our students, so they are successful in an increasingly complex world. Our school mission speaks to this commitment: “To promote learning by providing a safe and orderly environment which allows children to reach their potential academically, emotionally, and socially in order to prepare them to become adults who will positively contribute to society.”
When visiting Benfield Elementary, visitors are impressed with the dedication of our staff to ensure our school is safe and secure for our students. Parent volunteers are welcomed and serve as an important part of our school. Our school is a vibrant learning community where there is a strong structure and support system for our students. The hallways are a museum of learning where projects, artwork, and special interests are posted to showcase the wonderful happenings at Benfield Elementary. Throughout the day, students are actively engaged in standards-based lessons. When visiting any classroom, visitors have the opportunity to see students eager to share something interesting about a passage in a book they just read, share a writing they authored, or explain a mathematics problem solved. Students at Benfield are actively engaged in learning and are natural inquirers, asking focused questions to spark new learning. In addition, students demonstrate artistic talents and dedication to being physically active. However, what is most endearing about our students is their empathy and support of each other. Walking through the hallways and visiting classrooms, you will always witness students offering to help each other with classwork, being a “buddy” to a younger student, and encouraging each other.
Faces of AACPS - Stories of Success
Strategic Indicators Chosen by Benfield Elementary School
Progress we are making on our strategic plan indicators
Principal's Annual Summary*
This reflection will include a discussion of data and progress related to the Strategic Plan Indicators on which the school has been focused.
*Due to the nature of assessment data becoming available in late summer/early fall, this information will be posted in October 2019.