- Anne Arundel County Public Schools
- MacArthur Middle
DEMOGRAPHICS YEAR SCHOOL OPENED 1967 ATTENDANCE RATE (%) 95 student Enrollment 1037 Race/Ethnicity (%) African American....................... 53.7 Hawaii/Pac. Islander.......................... - White.............................. 19.3 Multiracial...................... 7.1 Hispanic......................... 13.9 American Indian/AK....................... - Asian.............................. 4.6 GENDER (%) Male................................ 50.8Ā Female........................... 49.2 Special Services** (%) FARMS........................... 43.7 504.................................. 6 Special Ed..................... 11 LEP................................. Title 1............................. No
MacArthur Middle School
When each school began to plan their important work based on AACPS’s 2018-2023 Strategic Plan during the spring of 2018, school teams reflected on their school culture, their community, and the key factors contributing to student achievement. Each school was then asked to consider which Strategic Plan Indicators would have the greatest positive impact for their students. School leadership teams selected indicators and developed plans to focus and guide their efforts. Please come with us on our journey as we describe why, what, and how we do our work to serve our students and families of our school.
MacArthur Middle's School Story
MacArthur Middle School, located on Fort George G. Meade military installation, was established in 1967. Affectionately referred to as the “Big Mac” or “The Mac,” MacArthur Middle School is one of the largest middle schools in Anne Arundel County, serving a community of civilian and military families. Military students make up 42% of the student population.
Our school is diverse, and we believe that through this diversity we grow stronger as we learn each other’s stories and experiences to become globally minded yet locally focused. This mixture of students, parents, educators, and experiences creates the tapestry of our school culture. Some of our students come from far away places such as Hawaii, Alaska, Nigeria, Germany and Japan; however, some of our students do have limited experiences outside of the Baltimore metropolitan area. Though there may be differences, our common goal of growth and sustainable prosperity unites us. We believe all of our students are intelligent, smart and capable of success - no exceptions!
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MacArthur MS became an International Baccalaureate (IB) World School in 2005. The IB program is a conceptual and contextual curriculum framework designed to develop global mindedness, so students can take responsible action in the world through inquiry and project-based learning. At MacArthur MS, we deliver years 1 through 3 of the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) to ALL students. The IB MYP learning experiences provided at MacArthur MS prepare students to take action in middle school through service learning and the Community Project (8th grade only), as well as preparing them for enrollment and successful completion of the IB Diploma Programme in 11th and 12th grade.
MacArthur MS has also launched its IB Scholar program during the 2019-2020 school year. All students will be certified IB Scholars as they navigate project-based assessments, IB learner profile traits and self-reflection. From those three areas, students will gain an understanding of the interconnectedness between themselves and their work. The IB Scholar Hour allows students to work in small group settings with their teachers to match their rigor with their ability, or to explore the relationship between exercise and health, to do research on a project of their own interest or to inquire about their place in the world.
Our students participate in inquiry-based learning in every discipline, from science to art, on a daily basis. Our curriculum is based on units of inquiry, where every discipline connects to every other discipline throughout the year. Teachers and staff are encouraged to participate with writing the units over the summer and throughout the school year.
Faces of AACPS - Stories of Success
Strategic Indicators Chosen by MacArthur Middle School
MSDE Maryland Report Card
Progress we are making on our strategic plan indicators
Principal's Annual Summary*
This reflection will include a discussion of data and progress related to the Strategic Plan Indicators on which the school has been focused.
*Due to the nature of assessment data becoming available in late summer/early fall, this information will be posted in October 2019.