- Anne Arundel County Public Schools
- Broadneck High
DEMOGRAPHICS YEAR SCHOOL OPENED 1982 ATTENDANCE RATE (%) 95.4 student Enrollment 2153 Race/Ethnicity (%) African American....................... 8.13 Hawaii/Pac. Islander.......................... White.............................. 74.22 Multiracial...................... 5.25 Hispanic......................... 8.64 American Indian/AK....................... Asian.............................. 3.07 GENDER (%) Male................................ 48.86Ā Female........................... 51.14 Special Services** (%) FARMS........................... 10.32 504.................................. 8.64 Special Ed..................... 5.9 LEP................................. .88 Title 1............................. no
Broadneck High School
When each school began to plan their important work based on AACPS’s 2018-2023 Strategic Plan during the spring of 2018, school teams reflected on their school culture, their community, and the key factors contributing to student achievement. Each school was then asked to consider which Strategic Plan Indicators would have the greatest positive impact for their students. School leadership teams selected indicators and developed plans to focus and guide their efforts. Please come with us on our journey as we describe why, what, and how we do our work to serve our students and families of our school.
Broadneck High's School Story
Located on the suburban Broadneck Peninsula and within walking distance to the Magothy River and Chesapeake Bay, Broadneck High School (BHS) stands out as a place where students from across Anne Arundel County unite as Bruins. Through both school sponsored activities and personal interests, our students are frequently seen interacting with our watershed environment. Whether bagging and collecting fall leaves as a fundraiser or growing oysters in their backyard, our students care about the Broadneck community. Broadneck offers a number of academic and extracurricular opportunities for over 2,200 students each year, allowing them to pursue personal interests that help prepare them for post-secondary life. As an Advanced Placement (AP) Distinguished and AVID Certified Site, Broadneck has set a standard of excellence since its inception in 1982. The Broadneck BRUINS are Bold, Ready, United, Innovative, and Never give up!
Broadneck has many highly-qualified teachers, making this staff one of the best in the county and state. On average, our teachers have over seventeen years of classroom experience, and almost 70% of our teachers have master’s degrees. Eighteen of our teachers are BHS alums and fifty-one are graduates from Anne Arundel County Public Schools. This sets us apart and is evidence that people want to come back to our school and community. Staff members are involved in extracurricular clubs, activities, and athletics, and the turnover rate is minimal each year.
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Our parent community is just as supportive as our teachers. Our parents enjoy attending school and community functions in support of our students. We have a thriving Parent Teacher Student Organization that works tirelessly to support the needs of our school. Our parents are also ready and willing to volunteer throughout the year, from supporting teachers with school supplies, to running games at the after prom breakfast. Our parents and teachers maintain a consistent open dialogue to ensure student success in our classrooms.
Broadneck students are hard working, passionate, and held to high standards. Students effectively collaborate on classwork, service projects, athletics, and extracurriculars. Most of our students go on to college or a career-based field right out of high school and continue to be great scholars, advocates, and community members. They truly make Broadneck High School one of the best schools in the county.
Faces of AACPS - Stories of Success
Strategic Indicators Chosen by Broadneck High School
Progress we are making on our strategic plan indicators
Principal's Annual Summary*
This reflection will include a discussion of data and progress related to the Strategic Plan Indicators on which the school has been focused.
*Due to the nature of assessment data becoming available in late summer/early fall, this information will be posted in October 2019.