The AACPS Board of Education and Dr. Arlotto recognize the many challenges families face as we continue to adapt to best meet the educational needs of our students during a pandemic. We also know that relationships are the key to the success of any school system. We are committed to continuously seeking improvements to the learning experience for all our students and appreciate the flexibility of our students, parents, teachers, and staff as we strive to enhance education during these trying times. With the safety and well-being of all as the priority of any plan, we look forward to the day all of our students return to the classroom. Quarter 1 Reopening Report 11/18/20
Registration was open until Monday October 19th @ 5.pm. At this time, we are not accepting changes to initial registrations.
NOTE: Students who were not registered by the deadline are being placed in the virtual full-year learning model where they will continue to learn virtually on their current time schedule for the remainder of the 2020-2021 school year. If you did not register your student by the October 19th deadline and still want your preference to be known, please log your preference below by clicking on the Family Registration button.
October 2020 - AACPS Roadmap to Reopening
As the local public health climate reflects more favorable conditions to support the transition to in-person instruction, additional learning models will be offered to families. The initial successful small-scale implementation of in-person instruction at the developmental and applied technology centers has led the way for a promising prospect that more students and staff can return safely to school buildings. With the establishment of the virtual learning environment through the first marking period and distribution of Chromebooks to almost every student, AACPS is equipped to provide seamless instructional transitions between virtual learning to hybrid learning as the public health climate shifts. We recognize that this new information provides new opportunities for families. There are three learning models provided to elementary school families at this time: Virtual-Plus (Hybrid), Virtual-Half Year, and Virtual-Full Year.
Each learning model option is described in more detail on this site so that families with elementary students can make informed decisions now. Hybrid possibilities for secondary students will be shared as plans progress. Families of elementary-aged students must register on this website (see Family Registration Button), indicating their instructional preference for each of their elementary students (ECI, PreK, Kindergarten, and Grade 1 – 5 students) so that proper preparations for staffing classrooms can be made. You may choose the same or different learning models for each of your students.
Virtual learning will remain in place for all elementary students as is currently designed until the dates noted above. Adjusted student learning schedules and in some cases adjusted student cohort groups, will be constructed after families make their model selections. Once a family has chosen an instructional delivery model, those plans will inform staffing needs, classroom allocations (for hybrid learners), and transportation student cohorts (for hybrid learners) for the remainder of the semester; therefore, such choices cannot be altered after the deadline. Any students who have not been registered by the deadline will be placed into the Virtual-Full Year model where the time schedule does not change from what is currently in operation.
NOTE: It may take a few weeks following the Registration Deadline until families are notified of any adjustments that may need to be made to classroom student cohorts, teacher-classroom assignments, and transportation schedules and details.
Volunteers Needed
Please take a moment to consider volunteering to support our midday block of time during the hybrid school day. Have you been fingerprinted to and approved to serve as a school chaperone? If yes, please consider this 2 hour/day volunteer opportunity on two or four days each week. Please peruse this volunteer flyer if you are interested. (Spanish version)
3 Learning Options for Elementary Students
2 consecutive days per week of in-person instruction - and 3 days of virtual learning
Virtual Learning for the First Semester Through the End of January 2021
5 days of virtual learning per week for fall semester with the option to move to Hybrid Learning Model beginning February 2021 (second semester)
Online Learning for the Remainder of the 2020-2021 School Year
5 days of virtual learning per week through fall and spring semesters of the 2020-21 academic year
Health-Related Information
- Anne Arundel County COVID-19 Data – (including Case Rate)
- Anne Arundel County Health Officer Presentation at 10/5/20 Special Meeting of the AACPS Board of Education
If you have not yet registered your student(s), please do so by clicking on the Family Registration button. The deadline was October 19, 2020 at 5pm, however, we want you to register and we will try to honor your learning model requests for your students.
Sample Family Registration Form for Review Purposes Only (pdf)
NOTE: Only parents/guardians of ECI and Elementary school students (preK-5) should fill out the Family Registration form at this time. When plans for secondary school students to return to school are approved, a new registration process will be offered.
Questions? E-mail - oct2020familyquestions@aacps.org