If you need bus transportation to your elementary school work location, 
    please fill out this Transportation Request Form.

    To locate which bus to ride, 
    please visit summer camp bus stops  

    Anne Arundel County Public Schools is committed to supporting students to prepare for their post-secondary futures while in high school.  We are serious about readying students for entry into career and college paths as they move beyond our classrooms. This summer we are sponsoring paid internships for students interested in exploring the world of work for four to six weeks.  We have opportunities available in our summer camp program as well in offices around AACPS.  Please consider applying for our AACPS Summer Intern-Explore experience.

    Are you interested in becoming an AACPS Summer Intern in the Intern-Explore Program? Ask yourself the following questions:

    • Are you a rising AACPS junior or senior who will turn sixteen no later than September 1, 2023?
    • Are you an AACPS student who attends school regularly and has not been chronically absent in semester 2 of the 2022-2023 school year?
    • Are you an AACPS student who would greatly benefit from earning 1.0 credit for a paid internship position, while gaining career-related experience to support you with future career-pathway planning?

    If you answered YES to the three questions above, please take time to explore this website to learn more and then apply for an AACPS Summer Internship.


    “Always remember, your focus determines your reality.”
    ~ George Lucas ~


  • “Besides getting a foot in the door with a potential employer and looking good on a resume, internships have other advantages, such as the opportunity to ‘test drive’ a career.”

    Alexander Lowry,
    Professor of Finance, Gordon College