• Child laying on stomach reading book

    The Anne Arundel County Public Schools Library Media Program provides students with the opportunity to become tech-savvy and independent life-long readers and learners. School libraries are the hub of the school where students discover a wide range of books, stories, and texts to encourage a love of reading. Our learners explore print and online resources to find information, build research skills, and learn how to use and share information effectively and responsibly. 

    The Library Media Specialist is a teacher, leader, information specialist, collaborative partner, and program administrator. Elementary students visit their Library Media Center at least once a week for instruction and book checkout.  Secondary students have regular access to library media instruction and easy access to materials and resources found in the library media collection.

    Students and families can access library media resources at school and off-campus through ClassLink.  There you can find easy access to the online public access catalog as well as MackinVia, our home for ebooks, audiobooks, interactive resources, databases, and other valuable resources.

  • Vision: The Office of Library Media Services envisions school libraries that are the hub of the school and are innovative, vibrant, and flexible spaces, staffed with school librarians who inspire students to become tech-savvy and independent life-long readers and learners.  

    Mission: The mission of the Office of Library Media Services is to develop students who are lifelong readers and effective users of technology and information.  We do this by teaching critical thinking and research skills and ensuring access to information resources and literature.

Purpose of School Library Collections

  • GroupThe school library supports all members of the learning community. The collection should meet all academic needs, with materials that are current, accurate, engaging, and reflect a wide variety of perspectives and viewpoints. It should also support and expand personal reading interests, with high-quality fiction and nonfiction titles that meet the needs of the full range of learners. The collection must reflect the diversity of the school community, as well as the global community, and support the developmental, cultural, social, and linguistic needs of all learners. The library must provide a collection of sufficient size for the learner population and be supported by reliable hardware and software that enables all members of the school community to access materials in person and digitally.


Office of Digital Media & Learning Services