Dismissal (early)

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When a student is to be dismissed early, the school should be notified in writing in advance of the early departure. The note should contain the date and time of the early departure and the name of the person who will be picking up the child from school. The child must be picked up from the office at the appointed time and signed out at that time by the person who will be responsible for the child. Please be prepared with picture identification. In order to help ensure a safe and orderly departure from school for all students, early dismissals must be done prior to 2:25; otherwise the regular dismissal procedure will need to be followed.

If you need to pick up your child, please report to the office. We will send for your child and you will be asked to sign him/her out. Parents, guardians, and those listed on your Student Information Form are the only individuals allowed to pick up a student from school. You may also send a written permission for dismissal to other individuals in special situations
