South Shore
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Medical Concerns
The school policy is to call parents when children are sick or hurt at school. Children who are too ill to return to class must be taken home by their parents. They may not remain in school. Children should not be sent to school to report to the office for treatment of wounds or illnesses that occur at home.
In the event that your child has an accident while in school, we will do our best to contact you. If parents cannot be contacted, the emergency number will be called. Please make sure that your child's emergency information is complete and always current. If we cannot contact you, we will take all appropriate measures to assure the proper treatment of your child.
Recess and play periods, either general or by class, are arranged during the day when weather permits. Students will not be exposed needlessly to bad weather. When a general recess is called, everyone is expected to go out. It is difficult to arrange alternate supervision for students.
Please be sure the school is aware of any particular medical situations that would affect the health or safety of your child (bee stings, allergies, asthma, etc.). Be sure this is indicated on the Family Emergency Card.
To request that medication, prescription or over the counter, be administered to your child during the school day at school, you must complete aForms / Most Frequently Accessed Request to Administer Medication at School, which includes several stipulations and a signed order from a physician. The term medication refers to both prescription and non-prescription medicine. Medication cannot be administered to students without this completed paper-work. For your child’s safety, all medications must be brought to school by an adult. All medications must be in a pharmacy or manufacturer's labeled container.