Millersville Elementary School - Green and EEE school


  • 1601 Millersville Road
    Millersville, MD 21108
    (410)222-3802 (fax)

    Linda Toth

    Amy Worrall
    Assistant Principal

    Denise Claytor
    Principal's Secretary

    Jennifer Martini

  • Hours: 8:00 AM - 2:25 PM
    Grades Served:   K-5th

About Our School

  • Our School-Wide Motto:

    “Tell Me and I Forget. Teach Me and I Remember. Involve me and I Learn.” ~ Benjamin Franklin


    Our School Mascot is the Roadrunner.

    Roadrunners in the wild are known to be curious, adaptive and faithful.


    Our school colors are Maroon and Gray.

    The reasons for these colors are:

    Maroon - represents our pride and uniqueness

    Gray - represents our intelligence and reliability.



  • If you are attempting to register a new or transferring student or applying for a commercial background check, a laptop, desk top computer or tablet must be used.  Cell Phones do not work on most AACPS online applications.

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  • Visitors

    When visiting or volunteering please be sure to bring your driver's license and check into the main office.

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