
    student Enrollment
    Race/Ethnicity (%)
    African American....................... 34.5%
    Hawaii/Pac. Islander.......................... -
    White.............................. 29.8%
    Multiracial...................... 7.9%
    Hispanic......................... 24.1
    American Indian/AK....................... -
    Asian.............................. -
    GENDER (%)
    Male................................ 51.8%Ā 
    Female........................... 48.2%
    Special Services** (%)
    FARMS........................... 70.5%
    504.................................. -
    Special Ed..................... 12.2%
    LEP................................. 15.8%
    Title 1............................. Yes

    Ā **Special Services Terms Glossary

    School Renovation Details - In 2016, North Glen ES added a brand new early childhood extension to our school as well as a new gymnasium.


North Glen Elementary School

  • When each school began to plan their important work based on AACPS’s 2018-2023 Strategic Plan during the spring of 2018, school teams reflected on their school culture, their community, and the key factors contributing to student achievement.  Each school was then asked to consider which Strategic Plan Indicators would have the greatest positive impact for their students. School leadership teams selected indicators and developed plans to focus and guide their efforts.  Please come with us on our journey as we describe why, what, and how we do our work to serve our students and families of our school.

North Glen Elementary's School Story

  • North Glen Elementary School is located in Glen Burnie, MD, and is home to almost 300 students who come to school every day excited to see their teachers and eager to learn. Our faculty and staff care about each student and want to help them grow and reach their full potential. We proudly serve the Point Pleasant, Cromwell Fountain, Glen Ridge and Morris Hills communities. Many of our students’ families have multi-generational links to the school, with children and grandchildren attending our school. North Glen Elementary continues to be a consistent, stable presence in the community. 

    As a targeted Title 1 school, we are able to provide extra resources to students who are economically disadvantaged to support their academic achievement. With these funds, we have been able to provide a Title 1 math teacher and a Title 1 reading resource teacher to support identified students, to plan engaging lessons, and to ensure that the instructional needs of our students are being met. Title 1 funding also provides for after school activities that support parents’ understanding of common core standards and provides for additional review of classroom instruction for these targeted students.

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    In our classrooms, devoted teachers engage students in standards-based instruction and activities, and encourage students to think critically. Both individual and small-group activities are utilized to promote cooperative and social skills. North Glen is also proud to be an Enhancing, Elementary Excellence (Triple-E) school where STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) is infused into many activities in the daily classroom setting and in our after-school Robotics Club.

    North Glen Elementary School participates in the Arts Empowered Minds Initiative (AEMI) program that is utilized to increase access to high-quality arts-integrated learning opportunities for students and teachers.  North Glen participates in embedded artist residencies through Young Audiences that invites artists into our school to work directly with students to create arts experiences that further their content knowledge, and to work directly with teachers to plan and support continued arts integration!  Through AEMI, teachers increase their capacity to use arts integration in the classroom through professional development opportunities at the Chesapeake Arts Center, with several teachers attending professional development over the summer. We know that learning through the arts engages students at high levels, which correlates greatly with increases in achievement across the disciplines.

    Experience the Growth Journey of North Glen Elementary


    EEE Triple E Theme
    STEM in Society