- Anne Arundel County Public Schools
- Overview
Support Your School with Grants
From classroom materials to field trips, external grants can provide funding to help teachers and schools bring unique opportunities to their students.
School Distinctions
Green/Green Ribbon Blue Ribbon Title I EGate Magnet Schools Wellness IB Character
Helping students and families overcome the in-school and out-of-school barriers that prevent children from learning and succeeding over the course of their lives by having an integrated focus on academics, health and social services, youth and community development, and family and community engagement.
Join in a community/school partnership designed to increase and improve community relationships within schools! View information about the AACPS #BePresent program.
For other AACPS volunteer opportunities and resources for families, contact the Office of School and Family Partnerships
Additional resources for parents, guardians and families (click on graphic below for the google site)Save